“Theresa played such an beautiful role in my home birth story. She was so supportive all throughout my pregnancy, always encouraging me, giving me valuable resources to read and watch prior to my birth. During my actual labor, she was such a pillar of encouragement, helping me through each wave of contractions, tuning into me, listening to exactly what I needed in the moment. In labor, it became apparent that my midwife was not giving me the caring support I was hoping for. In fact, her presence repeatedly stalled and reversed my dilation progress. I figured out that when she would leave me alone with Theresa’s nurturing encouragement, I felt safe, allowing my body to release oxytocin, and my cervix would open back up. This phenomenon kept happening. Finally the midwife just left us alone until I was crowning, ready to push. I am beyond grateful for Theresa’s attentive, excellent support during the pregnancy and birth of my first born.